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The question of when sun goes out is a difficult question to answer with certainty, especially if it must prove its truth.

But just as human curiosity to know how old the earth or when the formation of this earth, then the expert wits to try to estimate when the sun goes out.

As has been explained in advance, that the sun will be extinguished when the sun thermonuklir reaction has stopped. When the sun goes out, then life on earth will stop. Have been able to prove empirically that there are stars shining brightly at first, but then the more its light dimmed and finally extinguished. This situation has been recorded by the hubble space telescope. On this basis it can be just the sun at some point will be extinguished.

A German physicist, Hermann von Helmholtz, in the year 1825 turned out to observe the development of the solar diameter of sun each year shrank 85 m. If Helmholtz's observations is true, then the calculation of depreciation based on the diameter of the sun, the age of the sun will only last for up to 25,000,000 20,000,000 years from the sun experienced shrinkage.

For that period, Helmholtz's theory is quite satisfactory to the scientists, before finally aborted by thermonuklir reaction theories that persist to this day.

On the basis of theory, of course thermonuklir Helmholtz theory to be incorrect, because in fact the sun has been shining since the order of 5,000,000,000 years ago or even more than that, an age that exceeds the estimate of Helmholtz.

Thermonuklir reaction proposed by Hans Bethe as has been described above, in fact similar to conventional chemical reactions in the sense that the reaction can still be going on during still available elements or reactants which cause the reaction process thermonuklir.

In thermonuklir reaction occurring in the sun, as the main reactant is hydrogen gas. Astronomy and astrophysics experts argue that with increasing age of the sun, hence the use of hydrogen for reaction thermonuklir in order to get a very, very hot energy grew older.

In this event the energy generated by the reaction thermonuklir also increased, so that the radiant energy emitted by the sun also grew. This also means the temperature of the earth's atmosphere will rise and the earth will be felt more and more heat.

If the opinion of the experts of astronomy and astrophysics is correct, ie with increasing age of the sun will make the supply of hydrogen gas on the solar surface is reduced, then it is clear that sooner or later the sun will eventually be extinguished.

Based on this theory of solar radiation energy is estimated to still be able to survive for a period of approximately 10,000,000,000 years, after the sun goes out.

An example of a star is currently in the process leading to the situation goes out, has the image can be recorded by the Space Telescope Hublle. This empirically shows the possibility that the same could happen to our sun.

But what will happen before 10,000,000,000. year? 

In theory the way to the time of 10,000,000,000. , the temperature of the earth's atmosphere will keep rising due to energy radiation coming from the sun to get hot. This situation will cause the ice in the north and south poles will melt resulting in tenggelammnya some land or shoreline shifts landward. Cities that are on the beach will be drowned. This is just the beginning of a disaster for human life on this earth. The next disaster is to evaporate all the water existing on earth, because the temperature of the earth's atmosphere the more heat that ultimately there is no water on this earth. Earth dried completely without water and hot temperatures cause the termination of life on this earth. This situation occurs near the time approached 10,000,000,000 years to come.

At the time the sun runs out of hydrogen gas reactants, the reaction thermonuklir really going to quit and this means that the sun goes out. The sun has gone out of this will dim; into small icy planet called "White Dwarfs" or the white dwarf is not the sun again!

Example of a star or planet that has become a "white dwarfs" in the universe is quite a lot, one of the stars on the planet is currently heading the death as recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Once again, these circumstances will occur 10,000,000,000 years to come. Description This is an answer to the question of when in the sun thermonuklir reaction stops or the sun goes out.

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