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Berbak National Park is a national park area on the eastern coastline of Central Sumatra included in Ramsar Convention for international wetland conservation. In 1992, the minister of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia following the original 1935 by Dutch colonial, officially states this area as National Park. Berbak National Park is a national park area on the eastern coastline of Central Sumatra included in Ramsar Convention for international wetland conservation.


In 1992, this area is officially stated as National Park by the minister of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia following the original 1935 by Dutch colonial. The uniqueness of this national park lies on its wetland ecosystem which become one unity of swamp ecosystem, freshwater swamp ecosystem and coastline ecosystem.This park is dominated by pandanaceae family, up to 10 species, even for Aracaceae has up to 27 species.

By canoeing through the swamp river canal, we can enjoy the undisturbed wildlife on the riverside and canopies. We have two exotic areas in this park, that are Air Hitam Dalam, typical freshwater swamp and floodplain, with wetland ecosystem and Air Hitam Laut and Cemara River where typical coastline and saltwater swamp and marsh is dominating the area. Up to 300 species of birds are living peacefully inside the park. Some exotic birds like, Wild duck (cairina scutulata), and all species of Raja Udang (alcenedenidae), and also 9 species of Rangkong (Bocerotidae). Migrant birds up to thousands, which reside off their Siberian - Australian journey, especially during October - March season, really amaze any human being, as we will find them blackening the coast horizons.

Primates also dominate the canopies during our canoe traverse. The more challenging wildlife to observe may lie deep underwater below your canoe. We can observe 2 species of crocodile, that is saltwater crocodile (crocodiles porous) and freshwater crocodile (tomistoma schegelii). Turtles family also dominates the swamp area. Big mammalia like Sumatran tiger (panthera tigris sumatraensis), Black bear (Helartos malayanus) may occasionally show up in front of your canoe. It may be special for the tiger, will require some patience from you and may be a good stamina to traverse into the center of the park on foot.

Berbak National Park is protected not only nationally but also internationally with the Wet Land as defined in the International Ramsar Convention in 1992. Some locations and objects of interest to visit: In Black Water. Along the river and seeing the life of plants and animals. Air Hitam is one of the habitat of Sumatra tigers. This animal is protected and going to extinct. Research or explore the forest, animal and plant observations. The best month for visiting is March until November each year.
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