"It's not your intelligence, but your attitude which are going to lift you in life."

The cultural village of Sindangbarang located in the village of eurih district of the Regency of Bogor, West Java sand castles. Located only 5 km from the city of Bogor, 60 km from the city of Jakarta. Located at an altitude of 350-500 metres above sea level, consists of 14 RW and 54 RT with a population reaches 12 000 inhabitants. Livelihoods of the majority of people is becoming artisans and farmers shoes slippers. The population is 90% Muslim and still has a very high kinship systems in their daily lives. Precipitation fairly and in this cultural village is the climate varies from 23 ° C at night and 30 degrees C during the day.

In this cultural village, there are 8 types of Sundanese arts that have been revitalized and preserved by its inhabitants. Here there are also sites the archaeological heritage in the form of royal Pajajaran terrace hill. In this village, traditional ceremony is held in this place every once a year, namely Seren Taun as ceremony the public expression of gratitude to Almighty God for the harvest and agricultural products obtained in this case and hope that next year's harvest will be better.

To preserve the traditional arts in the culture of the people, dance, and gamelan organised for young children for free training by the culture of the people. Young people who have experience in their respective arts will be involved in the Organization of welcome customers that surely will join their own income.

And, to preserve the archaeological sites, cultural villages in cooperation with the FIB UI conducts research, documentation and conduct seminars on heritage sites such Pajajaran kingdom. Friends of the FIB UI had been bookable folklore about Sindangbarang itself.

Currently, traditional houses and cultural traditions in this village has been reconstructed and revitalized culture with the guidance and instruction from Mr Anis Djatisunda an Elders Cultural Sindangbarang and West Java. Revitalizing the home culture and tradition is necessary for the sunda not lose their identity.

Living with kokolot is one of the cultural uniqueness in Sindangbarang village. Because it is a cultural village, then the guests will feel the atmosphere of everyday village life. Where guests will stay with kokolot and artists who lived in the village culture. The guests will enjoy the atmosphere of mothers pounding rice in Saung lisung, cooking with wood and Hawu (kitchen traditional Sundanese), see farmers cultivate, learn traditional arts and others.

And several facilities in the cultural village of Sindangbarang, such as Building Traditional, Views of Mount Gede, Tracking Area, Houses Panengen and pangiwa, Friendly Service, Sundanese Art Studio Culture, Discussion Room, Health Services, and Facilities Bedroom.

History Value

Sindangbarang, the name was already known and recorded in the Chronicle of fern or Pajajaran as one of important and Pajajaran Sunda kingdom. This is due in sindangbarang is one of the royal palace where King Prabu Siliwangi lived with his wife, Dewi Kentring Manik Mayang Sunda. While the ruler of sindangbarang at that time was Surabima Panjiwirajaya or Amuk Murugul. Even the Son, King Siliwangi and Kentring Manik Mayang Sunda was called by name Guru Gantangan lahir and raised in Sindangbarang.

Until now, there is an ancient relic in Sri bagenda Sindangbarang Park, namely the park is a pond with a length of 15 X 45 meters, and 33 points punden berundak-undak.




Local tourism Baturaden is located near the town of Navan, about 15 kilometres north of the city. Located at the foot of Mount Slamet, it is no wonder if the aid of cold and fresh air its own attraction to visit natural landscape that In addition, it has a variety of attractions tourism charm, call it from the waterfall, hot water, swimming pool with tortuous luncurnya board, arena, children's toys, for zoo or animal park containing odd or rare. There are several waterfalls on a tourist attraction, where the water flowed freely between the rocks rocky river that divides the region. One of them is a favorite for visitors is located in an open manner with water storage that is not so deep, ideal for water playing for young and old.

Baturraden history is a story which cannot be separated with a history of Fuentes Pitu (seven). The same word comes from the word Baturraden Batur, meaning in Javanese cleaning, Raden means noble. Prior to a "Kutaliman" district, located in Baturraden says era. daughter of the Duke falls for Gamel (holder of horses). The relationship is with the time known as the Duke, and he angered. Then, his daughter and Gamel dispossessed of the House. In the course of the daughter of the Duke was a mnelahirkan baby near the River, and the baby is called "Kaliputra" (Kali: River and the son: children). These wanderings finally found a beautiful place and choose to install in place until now known as Baturraden.

Hot water baths are also divided into two parts, namely, the bath is located indoors and closer to the target, or hot spring located +/-500 metres away from the gate open bath with three shower bath with hot water so called telu (Java, telu = 3). To achieve this bath telu shower, visitors must first visit the inside or the other side of a hill or Valley, which exist in this location. Although telu hot water is situated in outdoors, visitors must pay more money to go to that place.

In its inside, there are also Petilasan Mbah Tapa Angin is believed to be the first inventor of this region. Petilasan Mbah Tapa Angin as a small niche cave with its interior is covered with white tiles. The smell of incense and offerings of fragrant flowers dominate this space, the mysticism that not everyone liked the presentation. It seems that these ruins are still commonly used by locals and visitors, to meditate or "erasing blessing."

Overall, Baturaden tourist area suitable for family recreation facilities, and treatment of disease through hot water. The road to this tourist town purwokerto agriculture in the form of smooth asphalt, so it can be achieved with various types of vehicles. So if you travel to Navan, the absence to stop a moment to tour Baturaden.

Source :


Arthur Schopenhauer atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Schopenhauer, ialah seorang pemikir atau  filsuf Idealisme Jerman yang melanjutkan tradisi filsafat pasca-Kant. Dialah yang pertama kali membuka mata terhadap bagian dalam yang gelap dari manusia, yang ada di bawah permukaan kesadaran. Selai itu, Schopenhauer untuk pertama kalinya juga membuka jalan bagi suatu filsafat dan suatu psikologi dari hal yang tak sadar.

Dalam perkembangan filsafat Schopenhauer, ia dipengaruhi dengan kuat oleh Kant dan juga pandangan Buddha. Pemikiran Kant nampak di dalam pandangan Schopenhauer tentang dunia sebagai ide dan kehendak. Kant menyatakan bahwa pengetahuan manusia terbatas pada bidang penampakan atau fenomena, sehingga benda-pada-dirinya-sendiri (das Ding an sich) tidak pernah bisa diketahui manusia. Misalnya, apa yang manusia ketahui tentang pohon bukanlah pohon itu sendiri, melainkan gagasan orang itu tentang pohon. Schopenhauer mengembangkan pemikiran Kant tersebut dengan menyatakan bahwa benda-pada-dirinya-sendiri itu bisa diketahui, yakni kehendak.

Menurut Schopenhauer, dunia adalah suatu gagasan. Dari dunia sebagai gagasan itu tiada jalan yang menuju kepada dunianya dalam dirinya sendiri. Di luar atau di atas gagasan tiada dunia dalam dirinya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, hakekat dunia tidak dapat didekati dari luar, sebab segala pendekatan dari luar hanya memberi pengetahuan tentang apa yang tampak saja, tidak memberi pengetahuan tentang hakekat dunia itu. Jikalau kita ingin tahu tentang hakekat sebenarnya dari dunia ini, kita harus memasuki diri kita sendiri.

Manusia menemukan di dalam dirinya bahwa kehendaklah yang menjadi pendorong. Oleh karena itu, kehendak adalah bagian hidup yang terdalam. Bagian hidup yang terdalam ini dapat menampikan diri sebagai kehendak yang lebih tinggi dan sebagai kehendak yang lebih rendah. Kehendak yang tampil sebagai kehendak yang lebih tinggi di dalam pikiran, yang menjadi objek di dalam diri manusia, yang menyebabkan adanya gagasan-gagasan tentang dunia. Juga tubuh manusia dapat tampak sebagai gagasan, menjadi objek pandangan akal, menjadi objek di antara objek-objek yang lain. Sedangkan kehendak yang tampil sebagai kehendak yang lebih rendah di dalam perbuatan tubuh yang dapat diamati. Di dalam hal ini, perbuatan kehendak dan aktifitas tubuh bukan dua hal yang berbeda yang dihubungkan secara kausal (yang satu menyebabkan yang lain), sebab keduanya adalah sama atau dengan kata lain identik. Aktifitas tubuh tidak lain adalah perbuatan kehendak yang telah diperagakan, yang telah diobjektivir. Dengan demikian, tubuh tidak lain adalah kehendak yang telah diobjektivir dalam ruang dan waktu.

Secra garis besar, tujuan kehendak adalah hidup itu sendiri. Hakikat Ada manusia sebagai Kehendak adalah tetap hidup dan memaksimalkan kehidupan. Karena, tujuan kehendak adalah hidup, maka yang dibenci dan dihindari oleh Kehendak adalah kematian. Dengan demikian, untuk menghindari kematian itu, maka kehendak selalu bereproduksi.

Meski kematian dibenci dan musuh kehendak, kehendak tidak pernah meresahkan kematian. Karena dia sendiri adalah keresahan dan penderitaan. Kesadaranlah yang merasakan keresahan dan penderitaan itu. Sehingga, mereka yang berkesadaran sesunguhnya yang selalu resah. Makin meningkat kesadaran atau pengetahuan seseorang, maka makin meningkat pula penderitaan dan keresahannya. Munculnya keresahan yang dialami kesadaran pada manusia, tak lain karena manusia (dipaksa) memikirkan tentang kematian. Kita merasakan kebosanan hidup, penderitaan dan sakit yang tak berujung, terjadi karena manusia berkesadaran.  

Di dalam pemikiran Schopenhauer, kehendak tidak hanya menjadi daya pendorong di dalam manusia. Kehendak juga menjadi daya pendorong di dalam seluruh dunia, yaitu sebagai kehendak-dunia. Kehendak-dunia juga berkembang dari yang tak sadar ke yang sadar, sedang tiap tahap dalam perkembangan ini memiliki pengalamannya sendiri-sendiri. Semula keluarlah dari kehendak-dunia yang tak sadar itu alam yang tidak organis, kemudian alam tumbuh-tumbuhan dan alam binatang. Dalam tahap alam manusia, kehendak-dunia telah sampai kepada kesadaran diri. Demikianlah kehendak menampakkan diri sebagai asas dunia. Berdasarkan hal itu, maka segala gejala atau penampakkan yang mengelilingi manusia dalam ruang dan waktu harus dipandang sebagai penjelmaan kehendak. Kekuatan yang menggerakkan planet-planet, yang menjadikan benda-benda dapat mengadakan hubungan kimiawi, dan lain sebagainya, semuanya itu adalah kehendak-dunia, yang terjadi tanpa disadari. Di dalam bidang kehidupan, nafsu pembiakanlah yang menjadi penjelmaan yang paling kuat dari kehendak-dunia. Nafsu ini bahkan menglahkan maut. Maka sebenarnya pusat kehendak berada di dalam genitalia, yaitu tempat nafsu seksual. Apa sebab dua orang yang berbeda jenisnya begitu tertarik dari seorang kepada yang lain? Tidak lain karena kehendak untuk hidup yang terjelma dalam cinta seksual itu dan orang perorangan menjadi alat bagi jenisnya.

Jikalau dunia dipandang sebagai kehendak, maka hidup adalah penderitaan. Hal ini disebabkan kehendak tiada batasnya, sedang pemuasannya adalah terbatas. Akibatnya ialah bahwa manusia diserahkan kepada nafsu-nafsu dan keinginan-keinginan, sehingga tiada kebahagiaan pada manusia. Itulah sebabnya kenyataan hidup adalah penderitaan. Kesenangan hanya bersifat negatif. Kebahagiaan adalah tidak hadirnya penderitaan.

Demikianlah manusia dibelenggu oleh kehendaknya. Agar supaya manusia dapat bahagia, ia harus membebaskan diri dari belenggu kehendaknya dan dari perbudakan kehendak perorangan. Hal ini memang mungkin, sebab manusia dapat menjadi pelaku atau subjek pengetahuan yang murni, tanpa dibelenggu kehendaknya. Pengetahuan yang dapat diperoleh dengan cara demikian adalah kesenian, yang adalah karya seorang genius (genie). Kesenian adalah pemandangan terhadap segala sesuatu tanpa tergantung kepada kausalitas dan ketergantungan kepada kehendak. Seorang genius memiliki suatu daya untuk memnadang secara murni, yang tidak dimiliki manusia biasa. Dalam pemandangan di bidang  kesenian itu, manusia dibebaskan dari perbudakan kehendak, sehingga manusia mengalami keadaan yang mengatasi segala yang alamiah, yang bebas dari penderitaan. Dengan demikian, jalan kepada kebahagiaan ialah penyangkalan kehendak.

Sumber Tulisan

Hadiwijono, Harun DR..1980. Sari Sejarah Filsafat Barat 2. Kanisius: Yogyakarta.




Cibodas Botanical Garden or the forest park (Botanical Garden), located in the mount Gede Pangrango Cimacan complex forest, the village, Pacet Cianjur. topography of the terrain is mountainous and hilly with an altitude of 1275 m above the sea, the air temperature of 17-27 degrees Celsius. This garden was founded in 1862 by Johannes Elias Teysjmann as a branch of the place at the foot of Mount Gede Bogor botanical gardens. With 2380 mm of rainfall per year and temperatures average 18 degrees Celsius, this botanical garden devoted to the collection of upland wet tropical plants, such as a variety of conifers and ferns.

The Botanical Garden, which covers about 80 hectares is located at the foot of Mount Gede Pangrango-already known as a tourist destination that is very interesting. In fact, there is the nickname of the garden of Eden in Asia. Beauty Cibodas Botanic Garden is a collection of trees. Here is a collection of hundreds of trees, both old and young trees. Recorded 5831 samples from 1206 species live here. Cibodas Botanic Garden, which is the gateway for climbers who want to climb Mount Gede visited not less than 400 000 people. Some sites of interest visitors include GHG (Green House), Jalan Araucaria (auracarua Avenue), waterfall and the location of the landscape along the Cibodas fountain.

In a greenhouse that contains a cactus, orchids and rare plants that may be different. There are almost 4,000 samples from 350 types of cactus plants of 360 species of orchids are stored in this greenhouse. As nature tourism, Cibodas Botanical Garden, will spoil. You and your family with natural beauty. Cold weather, wind and the chirping of birds will take you to the ivory tower previously unimaginable. gurgling fountain that comes out with the swift will welcome visitors through the gates so that Cibodas Botanical Garden. Dozens of large carp that inhabit the pond just across the gate, as if he invites you to enjoy the content of the heart Cibodas Botanical Garden. To explore the entire contents of Cibodas Botanical Garden, a walk would be more fun. However, given the contours of the rise and fall, otherwise the drive. Unless you are physically strong.

Apart from presenting the green trees, in the garden behind you can see the river where the water is clear. Because splitting the road, you have to cross a river filled with these stones. This river is situated at altitude, so when you see the scenery around, as it will be at the top of the mountain. In the vicinity of this river, if by chance, you can meet with the monkeys and even wild boar. Cibodas Botanical Garden is located in the village Rarahan, Cimacan, Cianjur. The distance is about 85 km from Jakarta. Or, about 90 minutes via toll road perjalnaan Bogor-Puncak-Cianjur. From the road we still have to walk or climb the vehicle approximately 4 km longer to get there. The park is situated at an altitude of 1,500 m, the climate is cool 18 degrees Celsius. That said, the opening of the Botanical Garden Cibodas associated with the entry of quinine in Indonesian history. At first, the Dutch botanist Johannes Elias Teysmann prepare the land that is now the Botanic Garden Cibodas quinine plantations.

Cinchona seed brought from the Netherlands to Batavia on 11 April 1852 that made the day of birth Cibodas Botanical Garden.


Various facilities are available at the facility Cibodas region, ranging from parking space to accommodate dozens of four-wheeled vehicles and buses, equipped with documentation of spatial information Wana Wisata Cibodas, children's play areas, rooms, public toilets, shelters, pavilions, outdoor theater, and camping ground area of 3 hectares which can accommodate 200 tents. At the Botanical Garden there Cibodas Campgrounds Mandala Kitri. There is also a golf course, Mulya Asri Bandung. At the campground looks a dinosaur statue, which give an idea or a warning for the preservation of forests are not disappearing like the ancient animals that lived this history.


Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) is intended as a set of ex situ (outside the habitat) to tropical wet upland vegetation. Included in his collection is a wide range of protected species such as tusam and conifers, ferns mountains, forests calothyrsus, there are natural forests and waterfalls. From the entrance to the location of the waterfall is 750 meters. Moss Park Cibodas Collection of the most distinctive of KRC is Cibodas Moss Park which features 216 types of moss and lichen hatidari various parts of Indonesia and the world. With an area of 2500m square, the park is claimed as the only one in the world that lies outside the room and has the largest collection.


A travel tourism can be distinguished in various forms viewed from different aspects.

1). In terms of the number of tourists, there are divided into:

a. Individual tour (personal tour), is a tour conducted by one person or a married couple.

b. Family group tour (tourist family), is a tour dilakuakan group of families who still have a kinship with each other.

c. Group tours (tour group), is a tour conducted jointly led by a person responsible for the safety and needs of all its members. Usually at least 10 people, based upon a piece of the company's principals for the eleventh, namely between 25 to 50% of the cost of flights or lodging.

2). In terms of settings, there are divided into:

a. Pre-Arranged tours which is a journey away from the previous tour had everything well organized transport, accommodation, and the objects that will be visited. Usually governed by a special institution to manage and organize and communicate with all agencies or institutions associated with these interests..

b. Package tour which is a travel product sold by a company or travel agency transport companies collaborating with where the price of package tours have included travel expenses, hotel, or other facilities that provide convenience for the buyer. In other words, this tour package is a tourism product which is a composition which is prepared and sold travel in order to provide convenience and practicality in the leisure traveler.

c. Coach tours which is a excursion travel packages sold by travel agencies led by a tour guide and a tour organized by routines, remain within a predetermined period of time as well as travel routes.

d. Special Arranged that is a trip tailored specifically to meet the demand for one or more subscriptions in accordance with their interests.

e. Optional Tour which is an additional travel outside the arrangement that had been developed and agreed its implementation, at the request of subscription.

3).  In terms of intent and purpose, there are divided into:

a. Holidays tour which is a tour seminar was conducted and followed by its members in order to vacation, have fun and recreation.

b. Familiarization tour is a trip intended to find out more about the field or area that has a connection with his work. For example a travel agency that organizes overseas trips for his employees to Indonesia in order to recognize and then to provide better information about Indonesia, so that the package tour production may be sold easily.

c. Educational tours is a trip intended to give an illustration, a comparative study of knowledge or know the field of work he visited. Called study tour or travel requests knowledge.

d. Scientific Tour that is essentially the purpose of tour is to obtain knowledge or investigation of a certain field of science. For example excursions to see blooming corpse flower (Rafflesia Arnoldi), see a total solar eclipse in Java Tengeah June 11, 1983, investigating the lives of Komodo dragons, orangutans in Borneo, etc..

e. Pilgrimage tour which meant trips to conduct religious worship, for example Umrah trip by a travel agency PATUNA Consortium (Pantravel, Tunas Indonesia, and Natrabu), tours to Lourdes in southern France, the tour followed in Borobudur temple waicak- Pawon-Mendut, etc..

f. Special Mission tour is a tour conducted by a special purpose, such as trade missions, the mission of art, etc..

g. Special Programme tour is a trip intended to fill a particular vacancy, for example Laddies Programme, a kujungan into a tourist attraction by the wife or partner because of her husband attending a meeting, convention or special meeting.

h. Hunting tour which is a tourist visit is intended to organize the hunting of animals permitted by the authorities solely for entertainment, such as wild boar hunting in Sumatra, hunting kangaroos in Australia, etc..

4).  In terms of implementation, there are divided into:

a. Excursion (excursion), which is a short distance trips are taken less than 24 hours to visit one or more of a tourist attraction.

b. Safari tour, a tour organized specifically with equipment and special equipment is also a goal or object is not an object traveling in general. For example, a trip to a safari tour in East Java Blauran, Ujungkulon safari tours, safari tours to Komodo Island in East Nusa Tenggara, etc..

c. Cruise tours, which travel by boat cruise tour visiting marine tourism objects and attractions on land, but using a cruise ship as a its dispatch base.

d. Youth Tour is the tour visits, which is  a special implementation is designed for adolescents by age group set by the law of each State. In Indonesia generally considered teenagers, they are still in high school education has not been sitting on the bench, universities, or those whose age was under 21 years old and unmarried.

e. Marine tours which is a special tourist visits to see the beauty of the ocean, Wreck diving (diving with full diving equipment).


In an effort to meet the needs and tastes of tourists in order to obtain the satisfaction it gives birth to a new element to consider is the service factor. Preparing for services and products must comply with the demands for compliance kebuthan tourists. Thus arises the further specialization dala service and formed a distribution service by their respective supporters tourism industry.

Means of tourism can be divided into three main elements, namely:

1. Principal means of tourism (tourism main superstructure).
a) The general travel bureau and travel agents;
b) tourist transport whether by land, sea or air;
c) Accommodation (lodging);
d) Restaurant (catering trades);
e) The object of tourism, among others:
- The beauty of nature (natural amenitiea), climate, scenery, fauna and flora of the weird (Uncommon vegetation and animals), forest (the Sylvan elemens) and health centers (health resources), such as sulfur hot springs, mud baths, etc..
- Creation of human (man made supply) seperiti monuments, temples, art galleries, etc..
f) attractions (tourist attraction)
- Creation of human like art, festival, party rituals, traditional wedding ceremonies, circumcision, etc..
2. Complementary means of tourism (tourism supplementing superstructure):
- Recreation and sports facilities such as gold course, tennis court, spa, horse riding, photography, etc..
- Public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, electricity, airports, telecommunications, water supply, ports, etc..

3. Support facilities for tourism (tourism supporting superstructure):
- Night club and Steambath
- Casino and Entertainment
- Souvenir Shops, mailing service, etc.

Thus, the travel agency and travel agent is one of the main industry of tourism.

The main task is to form a travel agent instead of planning all aspects of travel, a subscription, and for that he should know really.

a. That he should be able to fully understand the needs of a customer who wanted to travel.
b. That he should decide, on the basis of experience and consideration, for not biased in choosing the transport company, hotel accommodation and excellent service to its customers in order presented.
c. That he should have direct knowledge or experience concerning the area to be visited by the subscription, because in the mind of a subscription, is a person in authority, who know the area so that travel plans are drawn up is a successful plan.
d. That he should strive to satisfy its customers that allows them to travel once again in the period not longer.

To perform its function as a tour organizer who managed the travel agency should have personnel who are knowledgeable, skillful and have the confidence (self-confidence is high).

One of which is the key to successful travel arrangements is if the travel agency that provides either of the tour guides. The guide is a communicator between the interests of the company with customers in the implementation of a tourism trip. He is also a public relations officer (public relations officer) for a company that represents travel agents. Is, in accordance with public relations sense, people who always maintains a continuous process (continuous) of business-management business (the company) to obtain the goodwill of its customers, employees, and the general public (the customer, pen.), Ie entered into the improvements to yourself, out by holding the claims.

Thus it is clear duties and responsibilities of tour guides need a specific job, the job is well educated and professionally trained (skilled and Trained personnel).

Source :

1.  Prabowohadi, Susetyo. 1983. Teknik Memandu Wisata. Baturaden.
2.  http://www.banjar-jabar.go.id/index.php?pilih=news&mod=yes&aksi=lihat&id=313
3.  http://www.slideshare.net/guesta6d97ce/bab-i-fix

"Learning without thought is useless, while thinking without learning is dangerous".